The Variety Pack Girls

Pebbles, Kali and Heidi

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Officially An Agility Dog

Yep! Kali and I just took our third private lesson with Mary Kay today - and I am even MORE excited to get her into some group classes. She is so eager to please and so dang smart, it makes teaching her even more fun. She was able to get on all contact equipment, except teeter- and we worked her "touch" command with it and she just drove to her target. It was a lot of fun to see her little mind at work. She even got her weaves moved closer together, with no issue. Next lesson, we'll start sequencing more, but for now, at home, we have a lot of little foundation stuff we get to work.

She is so much fun, I hope to get her off the dock at some point too! We'll see. I put a new video on youtube, that has a little clip of the girls in it, so take a peak! Hope everyone is well!